Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pracheenotayer Mukti: Old Age Liberation

Deho Moner Byathayay Kator thaakee, Ongay Ongay Beddonar Chobi Aankee. Pracheen Koshayer Lupti Obyahoto. Soneet Dharar chanpay Praan Ostagoto. Bhabee boshay Maylay Kheeno Aankhee Katoo aar Jibonayer Roychaijay Baakee? Tayee Toe Tomayay Ogo Ahoroho Daakee, Ebaar Aamaaye Tumi Mukti daybay na ki!. English Traslation Paining body and mind appear miserable. All parts of existence depict hurting state, As the old cells die and weaken continuously Pressure in blood stream seeks to drive life out. Blank eyes with worsening vision wonder, How much of life still remains to be endured? Calling You up every now and then to know Has time arrived to achieve ultimate liberation?