Friday, February 12, 2010

8. Paromo Shuvokshon

Cheenbay Jobay Fallayer taray
Sakol kaajayer Sakol Bhaaber
Sakol Dhyanayer Beefall Nidarshan,
Karma Lovay Joger Niyantran:
Sayeeto Hobay Paromo Subhokshon.

(When the evidence of failure of all fruit-seeking
actions, thoughts and meditation get recognized,
Performance gets situated inYoga.
That is the greatest moment)

Chharbay Chaaoaa Paaoaar Payshaa
Adheer Monay-er A-hong Neshaa
Aneescheetay Korbay Bisarjon,
Sayeeto Hobay Paromo Shoobvokshon.

(When desire bereft of its pursuit of fulfillment
and restlees mind bereft of its addiction to ego,
sacrifice at the alter of uncertainty, that is the
greatest moment)

Bhoolbay Aashaa Mohay-er Bhasha
Charbay Maya Bhaalobaasaa
Bhakti Jogay Korbay Samarpon,
Sayeeto Hobay Paromo Shoovokhon.

(When hope forgets desire and love abandons the
illusion of attachment, and merge with devotion in Yoga, that is the greatest moment)

Gyan-er Aalo Oothbay Naychay
Joger Taalay Aapnee jechay
Korbay Sabaaye Samaan Aalingon,
Poorno Hobay Aatmo daroshon.
Sayeeto Hobay Paromo Shoovokhon.

(When Knowledge dances to the tune of Yoga
seeking to embrace all in equanimity, the Self
Achieves vision of itself, that is the greatest moment)