Wednesday, April 28, 2010

12. Rawho Sabaaro Gohono Maajhaaray: You Remain within All

O Hay Soondaro Obeenaashee,
Chhay-a Neekheelo Bhoobano Byaapeeya
Gardo Oseemo Noyono-Baahaaray
Tanree Oshaysho Koroonaa Baareetay Kyamonay
Kaamonaa Baasonaa Bhoreeya
Kabay Saajaalay Katojay Kaahaaray
Sabay Raakheelay Goonaytay Baandhaaray.

(O the Beautiful Ceaseless filling in the entire Universe with creation of infinite eye-bewildering. With unlimited shower of blessings, filled with all desires and lust, You immensely decorate every thing every where tying all to the Guna properties you imprint).

Sobay Aapono Ahonkaaray Sayee
Deelayjay Maya-a Sonpeeyaa,
Monay Jaagaalay Katojay Ashaaray
Soodhoo Daykheechho Neerobay Kyamonay Sakolay
Ootheechhay Khyalaatay Maanteeyaa
Meechhay Garobay Bhoolay Taanhaaray
Mohay Dreeshtee Pordeechay Dhaakaaray.

(You filled all with self-ego for submission to Illusion (Maya), raising ambitions and hopes in the minds. And, then You witness silently how all immerse in the game driven by false pride, forgetting You as lust blinds vision).

O Hay Okhmoyo Onoobhobee,
Kyano Aapono Gopono Raakheeyaa
Mookto Koreebay Kabayjay Aamaaray
Jobay Gyanayro Manonay
Dhyanayro Saadhonay
Ootheebay Hridoaya Jaageeyaa,
Saykee Aalokay, Saykee Aandhharay,
Raho Sabaaro Gahono Maajhaaray.

(O the Imperishable Realized secret, why do You obstruct my liberation? Residing in the depth of all, in all light and all darkness, when would You arise in the heart, in the pursuit of knowledge and in meditation).

{to be sung as Rabindra Sangeet ‘Toomee Sandhyaro MeghoMala’ is sung}.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

11. Nay-ee Jay Taa-ray Paabe Kothaa?

(Where would one find that which does not exist?)

Bya-raa-a Khunjay Aapomnaaray,
A-ee Dayhay A-ee Monay Praanay.
Look-ee-a Boojhjee A-go-Cha-ray,
Roy Chhay-a Say-ee Sabo khaanay.

(Wondering in search of the Self within the body, mind and life, where perhaps the Self hides without being noticed and yet making its presence felt everywhere.)

Byartho Proyas Shay-Shay Bhaa-bay
Nay-ee Jay Taaray Kothaa Paabay?
Sotyyo Jaynay A-mon Soja
Saango Ko-ray Aapon Khonjaa.

(At the end, the futile search realizes the simplest Truth: how can one find that which does not exist)

Bhoobon Bhoray Onoor Khya-laa,
Biswa Jooray Kosh-er Mya-laa,
Taahaar Goonay Dayhay Monay
Sakol Kichhu Oo-tthay Pho-tay
Taahaar Taanay O-bo-hay-lay
Jeebon Moron Paanay Chho-tay.

(The Universe is nothing but the play of atoms and the Creation is a fair of cells. Their properties only lead to the emergence of every thing in the body and mind. Their magnetism forces life run with ease towards death.)

Say-ee Khya-la-tay Karmo A-shay
Say-ee Mya-la-tay Jaa-bay Bhay-say,
Onoo-Konaar Kosh-er Dhaa-raa
Taar Maajhay Taanr-ee Saarra.
Chhay-ray A-leek Aaponaa-ray
Onoo Konaa-a Paabay Jaan-ray,
Bee-leen Sab-ee Maajhay Taa-haar
Roeebay Naa Aaar Keechoo Khonjaar.

(In the midst of that play of atoms and the flow of cells do all actions get performed and whose presence is felt? When the false existence of the Self leaves, find Him in the particles of atom. In Him does everything merge leaving thus nothing to search for.)